Mayrand Laval Store

Mayrand Laval

3615, Autoroute Jean-Noel Lavoie, A-440,
Laval, QC H7P 5P6
Phone: 450-233-2223

Open to the public, no membership card required

Mon to Tue 7:00am to 6:00pm
Wed to Fri 7:00am to 8:00pm
Sat to Sun 7:00am to 5:00pm


Discover employment opportunities in our Mayrand Laval Store

New Service - Coffee Machine Maintenance and Repair

From November 9, 2021

Do you need maintenance or repair for your coffee machine?

Bring your coffee machine to repair in our Mayrand Anjou or Mayrand Laval stores, our partner Atelier Caféco will take care of it for you, from $ 70 + taxes

38,000 Ft2 dedicated to restaurant-quality products

Famous cookware brands

Large selection of deli and cheeses

Meat department managed on-site by our teams of butchers

Seasonal produce sold by unit and by case

Fish and seafood prepared by our experts

Visit our Laval store online!

  • Explore all of our departments just like walking in store
  • +10,000 fruits and vegetables, meat and poultry, fish and seafood, grocery items, packaging and professional-quality kitchenware

Laval Floor Plan

+10,000 fruits and vegetables, meats, fish, groceries, packaging and kitchenware.

In our store, you'll find five fresh product sections:

How to get to Mayrand Laval by public transportation

By bus:

  1. Bus 61
  2. Bus 70
Accessibility at Mayrand Laval | Mayrand Food Depot

Accessibility at Mayrand Laval

We offer various services to facilitate store access:

  • Scooters are available in-store for customers with reduced mobility
  • The width of all our aisles and entrances is adapted to accommodate mobility devices
  • Dedicated spots for cars with disabled parking permits can be found just left of the main entrance

Are you a restaurant owner or an association or an office manager?

Become a Mayrand member and enjoy new benefits in all our stores! Take advantage of our business membership card in all our stores.
  • 1% immediate discount on your regular purchases
  • 1.5% to 2.5% on your purchases, 3 times a year
  • A personalized consulting service

Discover employment opportunities at Mayrand Laval 

Located at exit 19 off of Highway A-440 West.