Nouvelle France

Zacharie Cloutier Cheese 250 g



Farm cheese made from unpasteurized sheep's milk. Aged between 6 and 12 months. Firm paste, with butter, caramel, and coconut aromas.


Zacharie was a French carpenter. He left La Rochelle (France) in 1634 to settle in Château-Richer with his family. Zacharie Cloutier is the ancestor of the Cloutier family in America and is also known as the "father of all French Canadians".


White Reserve: Domaine St-Jacques Vineyard, St-Jacques-le-mineur, Quebec.

  • Grand Prize winner of the finalists: 2022 Gold Caseus
  • 2018 Caseus Silver - Second best cheese in Quebec
  • 2018 Caseus Winner - Best firm cheese, made from sheep's milk
  • 2017 Caseus Winner - Best firm cheese, made from sheep's milk
  • 2016 Caseus Winner - Best firm cheese, made from sheep's milk
  • 2015 Caseus Bronze
  • 2015 Caseus Winner - Best firm cheese, made from sheep's milk



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